Mark Young

from 100 Titles From Tom Beckett

#76: The Sedimentation of Sentimentality

Armageddon arrives; & the
messages glide off every Hall-

mark greeting card, merging
as they meet. Then, collectively,

this mess of mangled messages
slides toward the nearest water,

silts up the rivers. Continues to
move, further downstream, has

learnt from lava. Blocks the deltas.
Water no longer / reaches the sea.

#10: Poem Beginning with a Line from Charlie McCarthy

When I get smitten, I stay smut. It blasts
the wheat in the ear, makes everyone I
come in contact with seem less wooden
than I am. Perhaps that's why it took me
several days to get used to our very limited
accommodation. Forget spending a few
minutes in a relaxed state — I had to buy
my own tung oil since none was provided.

Then water started dripping from the apart-
ment above. That meant the light wouldn't
work. Now the dark place I was in be-
came darker. I felt a hand, an arm, reach
up my back. My mouth fell open. I couldn't
speak; but still a voice spoke out. "i've got
a good mind inside me to…" it started out.
"Then why don't you use it," I interjected.

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